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Stepping Up:

Making a Commitment to Build a Strong, Resilient Community

Choose the conversation that works for you!

Over the last year a group of community leaders started a journey with a bold goal: to mobilize our community to build resilience through a trauma-informed approach, while radically reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences.

Please join us to help shape next steps in this journey. We will share compelling stories of how trauma-informed practices have made a positive impact on lives; and we will assist organizations in identifying commitments for the Every Child Thrives Pledge to Build a Strong, Resilient Community.

Date: Wednesday, November 6

Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Date: Tuesday, November 12

Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am

Location: Madison College, 1300 W Main Street, Watertown

talk read play kick off event


The Science of Adversity and Resilience

Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD

UW School of Medicine and Public Health

Impact of Adopting a Trauma Informed Approach

Fredi-Ellen Bove, Administration

WI Department of Children and Families

Every Child Thrives All Team Huddle

Every Child Thrives invites community leaders and interested supporters to join us for our first All Team Huddle as our Action Teams prepare to launch their implementation strategies. Members from each of the three Every Child Thrives' Action Teams, along with the Transformation Council, Data Team and Communications Team, will gather together to share what they've learned, final recommendations and 2018 action plans.

We invite any individual or community organization with an interest in becoming involved in Every Child Thrives to join us for the Huddle. Click here to register.

Huddle attendees will:

  • Finalize the launch of a community campaign called TalkReadPlay, designed to encourage early brain building activities and provide free child development tools for parents and caregivers.
  • Prepare to launch a community-wide school attendance campaign at the start of the 2018/19 school year
  • Plan to expand universal developmental screening and parent education (using the evidence-based Ages & Stages screening tools)
  • Learn about best practices in strengthening families through parent education and preventative, early-intervention services
  • Celebrate our acceptance into the Campaign for Grade Level Reading as well as a national trauma-informed, resilience-oriented learning community hosted by the National Council on Behavioral Health


Early Childhood & Workforce Development

Why Does it Matter to Employers?
S. Mark Tyler, President, OEM Fabricators, Inc.

The Economic Case for Investing in Young Children

Rob Grunewald, Economist

Early Experiences Elevate Everything

Early Brain & Child Development and the Future of Society
Depesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
