
Welcome Baby

Every Child Thrives partners are currently convening to develop a shared vision and align resources around a collaborative strategy.

Why Invest?

Children and communities thrive when all families have support and resources to provide a safe, stable and supportive environment, prenatal to postpartum and throughout a child’s lifespan. The most rapid and sensitive period of development begins before and immediately following birth. This period is defined as “perinatal.” The perinatal period sets the foundation for long-term health and wellbeing.


As this work is still in the early stages, the focus in on learning - both exploring the data, especially with respect to disparities in our region, and implementing evidence-based screening to further understand community needs.

Research and learning

Six regional organizations are convening to explore data with a focus on equity, and determine strategy(ies) to address disparities.

Evidence-based screening practices

Using a Social Determinants of Health screener to better understand the needs of expectant families and how to better connect them to resources.


Prenatal care adequacy for Dodge & Jefferson Counties has declined from 85% in 2016 to 82% in 2020

Outcomes are significantly worse for people of color; the Hispanic population is trending steadily downward over the past 5 years (updated 2021)

Visit the Scorecard to learn more

inspiration, announcements, and impact updates... monthly.