Developmental Screening

Screening young children is a way for professionals to check a child’s development, help parents celebrate their child’s milestones and know what to look for next, and determine whether follow-up steps are needed.
Kindergarten readiness
Our investment in developmental screening aligns with the Every Child Thrives network’s priority of Kindergarten Readiness.

Why Invest?

Childhood is a critical period of growth and development — and a child's experiences, behaviors, and health problems can have long-term impacts. Making sure children get timely developmental screenings and recommended health care services is key to finding developmental challenges early, when intervention can have the greatest benefits.


Increase the number of developmental screens

completed in Dodge and Jefferson Counties.

Build the capacity of partner agencies

to seamlessly share the developmental screening data they collect.

Collaborate with partners

to hold a community-wide screening day.

Build the capacity of partners to identify children on/off target

with developmental skills and link families to resources to meet any identified needs.

Performance Measures

How well: % of children in primary service area aged 0-4 that have received developmental screening
Better off:  % of children on target with developmental skills (all ages)

Visit the Scorecard to learn more
Download progress report (print-friendly)

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