Investing in Student Social Emotional Wellbeing

Often, adults reflect back on childhood as a time of fun, carefree living. We tend to associate emotions like anxiety and depression as adult-only issues. In truth, school-age children are experiencing mental health challenges now more than ever before.

Locally, more than 24% of middle and high school students report feeling hopelessness for a period of two weeks or more. More than 18% have seriously contemplated committing suicide, according to the most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

Over the last 18 months, GWCHF has provided over $200,000 in funding to support the Dodgeland, Hustisford, Watertown and Jefferson school districts in the implementation of the WI School Mental Health Framework, a best-practice strategy in building a comprehensive school mental health system.

Why invest here?

If mental health problems go untreated, they can continue into adulthood and contribute to ongoing problems. Schools are an ideal place to provide mental health services to children and youth because:

What is being done?

The funds provided by GWCHF will go toward implementation of two key strategies proven to improve youth wellbeing and school performance:

How will we measure success?

We have put measures in place to track the investment’s effectiveness in moving the needle on the following indicators. These include the reduction of:

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